Summer Camp in Toledo!
Participants in the summer camp visited an orchard and a farm!
Over the summer, the Toledo office has been busy facilitating a summer camp for women and children, while also providing all of our other comprehensive integration services. Our summer camp included opportunities for the women and children to visit an orchard and farm, and for the kids to develop their artistic skills with a summer photography club and opportunities to paint. In the coming weeks, the summer camp will wind down and the children’s photos and paintings will be printed for a contest. Two winners—one in photography and the other in painting—will be voted on and receive a prize. The kids are having tons of fun with these activities!
While the children expanded their artistic skills, the women attended activities related to empowerment. Some of the activities included public speaking training and courses on how to start a business from home in collaboration with chambers of commerce, who provided a presentation and advice. Additionally, we hosted a support group for the women to deal with the stressors related to the pandemic and other anxieties. They also had some fun with opportunities to attend a yoga class as well as attend field trips with their children. Outside of the camp, they have participated in digital literacy courses, English classes, and classes to pursue a GED.
The women in our summer camp program attended some of the field trip adventures with their children!